Seventy Small Cells Closeouts in Edmonton, Canada
The challenge: Document 5G small-cell installations on seventy sites, take photos, and complete closeout packages, all in one day.
The solution: ECSite’s flexible SaaS cloud platform accommodates a custom app that manages photos, checklists, and data to be collected from the field. ECSite’s app was recently used to enable data collection for seventy poles and take the closeout pictures required by the carrier. Based on AI/ML and VR technologies, photos were geo-tagged, auto-rotated, and scored for blurriness. Once they were synced from the phone, the automated Closeout Package (COP) generation kicked in and created the seventy closeout packages before the field tech returned to the office. All photos were labeled according to the carrier’s requirements and zipped, and PDF and Excel closeout forms were automatically generated.
ECSite’s software provided an extraordinary level of efficiency for what is normally a time-consuming, repetitive, and stressful task. The automated data collection allowed a remarkable increase in productivity—and generation of consistent, accurate COPs, with the result of fast payment to the contractor.
- Seventy separate pole-mounted small cells
- Driving directions provided to the field tech from site to site for optimal route planning
- Each site photographed and documented
- All data is tracked and managed by ECSite’s super-flexible app
- Photographs automatically adjusted to be perfect for the COP: naming, orientation, size, geo-tagging, blurriness rating
- 12-20 photos per site organized and stored the right way
- COPs are automatically generated in exact carrier formats
- Everything was completed in one day!